
Sunday 27 November 2011

Week 2 Directed Study

The following drawings are from the dome on top of the Old Building (next to Bradford College) as seen from my flat window.
I  used a 2B pencil to draw most parts to capture as much detail as I could, in certain occasions I had to breakdown the image into smaller parts just to see how the geometry is portrayed. 

Having to work with a pencil make my work much more challenging in putting  all those details, in comparison working with a strong pencil enabled me to draw lightly and spot mistakes that can easily be erased, I find that method more time consuming with better results.

Slowly sizing up the same scene makes larger images easier to make because you have already worked on areas of detail, you know how they behave, their position, how they are shaded and in that way I found out that I could add more detail in my final drawing.        

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