
Tuesday 10 January 2012

Week 12 Directed Study

Facial Expression and Mood
          This weeks directed study involved facial expressions. Drawing (A) was done during my christmas vacation, but was finished later from photo reference as it was very hard to keep the baby still. The expression that I was drawing about was happiness. The slight smile of the young woman with her eyes slightly misleading, and the happy/curious expression of the young baby being distracted by someone. Both subjects were approached in a three quarter view.


           For drawing (B) I chose a different layout, I chose a pose that required her to raise her head and close her eyes giving a lustful passionate exrpession. This time I chose not finish this one by photo reference, but tried to get down as much information as I could as quickly as I could, because she couldn't hold that expression for too long.  

           Drawing (C), was chosen to express desire, although not much shading was done due to lack of time. Though the stare of the (big) eyes and the biting of the lips convey that emotion accurately enough.

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